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Beavercreek OVI Checkpoint Perfectly Challenged!

Dayton DUI Attorney Charles Rowland > Local DUI  > Checkpoints  > Beavercreek OVI Checkpoint Perfectly Challenged!

Beavercreek OVI Checkpoint Perfectly Challenged!

There were some visitors at last night’s Beavercreek OVI checkpoint. 

If you were driving near Wright State University last night, the Ohio State Highway Patrol in conjunction with many other law enforcement agencies were randomly stopping cars and searching Americans without probable cause.  This unwarranted show of force was sanctioned by the fact that the officers were deterring drunk drivers.  Many of us have been fighting OVI checkpoints for years, but recently a new phenomenon has taken place.

Some very brave, very committed and very American people have been showing up at these checkpoints holding signs and telling people of the government activity taking place at the checkpoints.  They take their philosophical opposition to the streets… and they are winning. Last year after protesters showed up at a “NO REFUSAL/forced blood draw” OVI checkpoint in Springfield, a very conscientious Sheriff said that his department would no longer take part in them. They were out in force last night at the Beavercreek OVI checkpoint.

Do these people support drunk driving? No! Their objective is to point out how much of our precious liberty has been taken away in the name of safety.  They are saving your freedom by letting people know that there are people who object to authoritarianism.  This author applauds their efforts and I hope to see more of them out there.  So, next time there is Beavercreek OVI checkpoint near Wright State, do you think some more students might join them?

If you’d like to receive checkpoint OVI alerts for the Beavercreek area sign up here. 

Charles Rowland


Charles M. Rowland II has been representing the accused drunk driver for over 20 years. Contact him at (937) 318-1384 if you find yourself facing a DUI (now called OVI) charge.

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