Butler County OVI Blitz This Friday and Saturday
The Butler County OVI Task Force has announced that they will be conducting an “all-out” DUI blitz along Ohio 129 on Friday and Saturday night.
Here is the full story as reported on WHIO-TV,
An upcoming OVI blitz by the Butler County OVI Task Force is designed to deter impaired drivers.
Task force agents and the Ohio State Highway Patrol will saturate Ohio 129 in Butler County on Friday and Saturday. Additional officers will scour their jurisdictions for impaired drivers, according to a release.
“This is our continued effort to make sure the roads are safe and there are no unnecessary tragedies on our roads,” said Butler County Task Force Coordinator Carl Phillips. “Our mission is to save lives, and we will do our part to make our roadways safe.”
As you can see, this effort will involve not only Ohio State Highway Patrol forces, but includes local jurisdictions who may well conduct additional saturation patrols. If you are arrested on suspicion of misdemeanor OVI in Butler County, Ohio you may be confused about which Court will hear your case. Butler County, Ohio is actually served by three “Area” municipal courts.
- Area I Court, 118 West High Street Oxford, OH 45056 (513) 523-4748
- Area II Court, Butler County Historic Courthouse 101 High Street Hamilton, OH 45011 (513) 887-3459
- Area III Court, 9577 Beckett Road West Chester, OH 45069 (513) 867-5070
The Butler County Area I Court is presided over by the Honorable Robert H. Lyons. Judge Lyons was appointed to the bench, and began presiding over affairs of the Butler County Area I Court in Oxford, Ohio, on February 8, 1999. He was re-elected in 2006 for his second term to serve until January 2013. The territorial jurisdiction of the Area I Court includes the City of Oxford and all of Milford, Morgan, Oxford, Reily and Wayne Townships. Area I Court is open Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Butler County Area I Court hears criminal and traffic cases on Thursday of each week. The Judge holds court from 10:00 A.M. to 12 noon. At 11:30 A.M, the Court hears Reviews of prior cases and cases with Orders to Appear. Prisoners are arraigned at approximately 1:30 P.M. Preliminary hearings, bench trials, and reviews of prior cases begin after the completion of the arraignments. Afternoon Court remains in session until all cases on the docket have been heard.
The Honorable Judge Kevin C. McDonough was appointed to the Area II Court bench on January 4, 2007. He was elected in November, 2008 to finish the unexpired judicial term for the Area II Court. He sits in the historic courthouse in downtown Hamilton. The Area II jurisdiction covers Hanover, Fairfield and Liberty townships. Area II Court is open Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Butler County Area II Court is in session on Wednesday of each week. The judge holds the morning session of court from 9:30 A.M. to completion. Traffic cases are heard beginning at 9:30 A.M. Humane association citations and park violations are heard beginning at 11:00 A.M. The afternoon session of court begins at 1:30. Prisoners are arraigned at approximately 1:30 P.M. Preliminary hearings, bench trials, and reviews of prior cases are heard immediately after prisoners. The afternoon session of Court continues until all cases on the docket have been heard.
The Honorable Judge Dan Haughey was elected to the Butler County Area III bench on November 4, 2008. The Area III jurisdiction includes the Butler County communities of West Chester and Monroe. Area III Court is open Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Butler County Area III Court is in session on Tuesday, Bench trials are scheduled on Friday each month. A Fine Review Docket is also scheduled on Friday each month. On Tuesday, court is in morning session from 8:00 a.m. to completion and in afternoon session from 1:00 p.m. to completion. The schedule is as follows: 8:00 a.m. Traffic, Operator’s License issues, Criminal and Domestic Violence dockets; 1:00 p.m. Felony Prisoner Arraignments, Probation Violations and Non-English speaking cases. An interpreter is present for the afternoon docket. 1:30 p.m. Preliminary Hearings.
Charles M. Rowland II has been serving the accused drunk driver in Butler County since 1995. He can help you win your case. Whether your case will be heard in Area I (Oxford), Area II (Hamilton) or Area III (West Chester) contact Charles Rowland by phone at 937-318-1DUI (937-318-1384), 937-879-9542, or toll-free at 1-888-ROWLAND (1-888-769-5263). For after-hours help contact our24/7 DUI HOTLINE at 937-776-2671. Visit www.DaytonDUI.com, or get immediate help by filling out the CONTACT form on any of these pages. For information about Dayton DUI sent directly to your mobile device, text DaytonDUI (one word) to 50500. Follow DaytonDUI onTwitter at www.Twitter.com/DaytonDUI or Get Twitter updates via SMS by texting follow DaytonDUI to 40404. DaytonDUI is also available on Facebook and you can access updates by becoming a fan of Dayton DUI/OVI Defense. You can also email Charles Rowland at:CharlesRowland@DaytonDUI.com or write to us at 2190 Gateway Dr., Fairborn, Ohio 45324.