CDL Drivers In Ohio Required to Undergo Human Trafficking Training
According to the Ohio State Highway Patrol, Ohio is the first state to require CDL drivers to take a one hour class in human trafficking. Beginning January 2016, every driver issued a CDL in Ohio will be given a “Truckers Against Trafficking” (TAT) wallet card, and all new drivers will be provided a one-hour training program.
Authority over CDL driver licensing varies from state to state, and in Ohio both the Ohio State Highway Patrol and the rules for CDL schools under the Ohio Revised Code come under the authority of the Ohio Department of Public Safety (ODPS). ODPS annually revises topics to be taught and makes any adjustments necessary for CDL licensing. Officials from the OSHP met with the Office of Criminal Justice Services, Driver Training Section. They provided ODPS with the TAT training CD and asked if they would be willing to join OSHP by adding a topic to the curriculum. They agreed to do so.
Capt. Mike Crispen of the Licensing and Commercial Standards of the Ohio State Highway Patrol (OSHP) wants to maximize what he believes is a key component in the fight against human trafficking.“Law enforcement officers all over the United States are working diligently to combat human trafficking,” he said. “It’s a mobile crime, and it requires a mobile response. The transportation community is the sole resource for mobile communication. The TAT message, with the help of the trucking and transportation industry and CDL drivers, provides law enforcement with the single greatest weapon to eliminate the overwhelming control these criminals have over their victims. In Ohio, the transportation community is providing an educational program to its drivers and customers and placing the TAT message on their vehicles and windows. So, the message is being ‘driven’ all over the state.”
We want to protect CDL drivers, so give us a call.