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DUI Process

Dayton DUI Attorney Charles Rowland > DUI Law  > DUI Process (Page 6)

Problems With The Intoxilyzer 8000: You Blew Too Much!

The Intoxilyzer 8000 measures how much breath you provide by something called a 'pressure transducer.' Instead of directly measuring the volume of your breath by a pressure switch, like the old Intoxilyzer 5000 did, the 8000 indirectly measures breath. Did you blow during an arrest? Watch this video. Not only is it needlessly complicated, it simply doesn't work! The flow sensor systems in Florida's Intoxilyzer 8000's are so unreliable that FDLE ordered that police STOP KEEPING RECORDS of the system in monthly checks. In 2011, a system-wide check showed that 40% of the machines in Florida couldn't accurately measure breath volume!...

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Laser DUI Detectors Being Developed

Laser DUI detectors are on the way! Imagine driving down the street and having a police laser passively check your car for alcohol vapors.  According to the Huffington Post, scientists at the Military University of Technology in Warsaw, successfully tested the device by aiming its laser at a car passing by at a distance of up to 20 meters. The car's interior had been filled with alcohol vapor, simulating the exhalations of a drinker inside the car.If this technology is successful, the laser DUI devices could be employed much like red-light cameras or used by stationary police like radar speed...

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How Will A DUI Affect My Insurance Costs?

“How will a DUI affect my insurance costs?”  This is one of the most common questions we get at initial client conferences.  I have grown frustrated in trying to give a short answer that sufficiently covers the nuances of the situation, so - here is my long-winded multi-part answer.How Will A DUI Affect My Insurance Costs (Part I)Insurance company evaluators look at you as a risk. Your rates are based on a number of super-secret algorithms and proprietary factors. Having a DUI conviction is just one of many things they look at and consider. Depending on their factors, insurers may...

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Are You Fat? Old? A Woman? Then The DUI Laws Are Biased Against You

Did you know that the DUI laws are inherently biased against most of us?Alcohol loves water and will move into spaces where water is the most prevalent.  Fatty portions of the body have a low water content and absorb little of the alcohol, while muscular portions of the body have a high water content and absorb much alcohol.  As it is carried to all parts of the body by the blood, the alcohol distributes itself in proportion to the water content of the various parts of the body.  It is the presumed relationship between the amount of alcohol in the...

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Ohio Red Light Cameras – Will Sen. Seitz Save Them?

Ohio red light cameras have found their way before the Ohio Senate after a ban on the revenue machines passed the Ohio House. Last June, the state House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed House Bill 69, banning the use of automated ticketing machines with the limited exception of use in a school zone by a police officer when children are actually present.  State Senator Bill Seitz (R-Cincinnati) does not want to see this popular bill passed.  His committee, the State Senate Government Oversight and Reform Committee began consideration of his bill on Wednesday.To head off this effort, the Seitz bill mimics the...

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Ohio Traffic Law: Pulling Over For Emergency Vehicles

Here is a great video from the Ohio State Bar Association's "Law You Can Use" series on Ohio Traffic Law.  This video tells you what you need to do if an emergency vehicle like an ambulance or fire truck is on the road. Charles M. Rowland II dedicates his practice to defending the accused drunk driver in the Miami Valley and throughout Ohio.  He has the credentials and the experience to win your case and has made himself Dayton’s choice for drunk driving defense. Contact Ohio Traffic Law Attorney Charles Rowland by phone at (937) 318-1384 or toll-free at 1-888-ROWLAND (888-769-5263). If you need assistance after...

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Ohio Traffic Update: Click It Or Ticket

Click it or Ticket our nation's annual war on seat belts, will begin May 19th and run until June 1st.NHTSA uses Click It or Ticket as a national campaign centering on the enforcement of seat belt laws.  As with aggressive driving and drunk driving enforcement, the primary audience for this effort is men 18-34.  Research shows that these young men are more likely to not use seat belts.  Seat belts are the most effective safety feature ever invented and have helped save thousands of lives. One in five Americans fail to regularly wear a seat belt when driving or riding in a...

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Red Light Cameras Are Getting Some Friends In Downtown Dayton

This site has long argued against the use of red light cameras, speed monitors and drones that target innocent Americans.  Well, Dayton has fallen one more step down the security slippery slope and is installing a full-fledged security spy network.  According to the Dayton Business Journal, 25 new cameras are being set up in and around the city in a project named iDayton.  Cameras will be installed in public parks including Dave Hall Plaza, RiverScape MetroPark and around Courthouse Square. They also will be put around the RTA Hub, outdoor public parking areas, public streets and sidewalks.  The project will be...

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Ohio Traffic Law and Google Glass

 Ohio Traffic Law has yet to weigh in on the issue, but other states are creating speed bumps for Google Glass.Lawmakers in New York and New Jersey and in at least six other states across the country believe the devices are dangerous when used by drivers. Assemblyman Marcos Crespo (D-Bronx) has introduced one of three bills in Albany that would prohibit drivers from using Glass or similar devices. His bill, however, would go even further. ...

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New DUI Punishment Coming To Ohio

The Ohio legislature is considering H.B. 469 (Annie's Law) which would bring a harsh new DUI punishment to the State.Currently, ignition interlock devices are used in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. However, states vary widely in how the ignition interlock devices are used and which drivers are required to install them. In West Virginia, for example, interlock devices are only ordered at a judge’s discretion while Michigan mandates their use for drivers who are found with a BAC more than twice the state’s legal limit.  In Ohio, ignition interlock devices are required for any driver accused of a second...

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