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Dayton DUI Attorney Charles Rowland > Local DUI  > Checkpoints (Page 3)

No Refusal OVI Checkpoint in Dayton & Springfield Tonight!

There will be a "No-refusal" OVI checkpoint tonight beginning at 8 p.m. at State Routes 68 and 40 in Springfield, Ohio. Sign up for text alerts of DUI Checkpoints in Springfield. The Dayton Checkpoint (also a No-Refusal) will begin at 11:30 p.m. at Wayne & Wyoming.A "No Refusal Checkpoint" means that every car will be checked to ensure that drivers are not impaired. If there is sufficient probable cause to believe that a driver is operating a vehicle while impaired, law enforcement will seek a blood search warrant from a "neutral and detached magistrate." A search warrant will be submitted to...

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Beavercreek OVI Checkpoint (At The Greene)

There will be a Beavercreek OVI checkpoint tonight beginning at 11 p.m. along Indian Ripple Rd in front of the Greene.  Aggressive saturation patrols will also accompany the checkpoint.Stay ahead of the checkpoints! If you want to receive updated information on sobriety checkpoints, enhanced traffic enforcement, saturation patrols and other important developments that affect you, sign up for text alerts on the main page of this blog. Text alerts will be sent directly to your mobile device/smartphone in the location you choose in the Miami Valley. This service is free and available to the general public.You can also put DaytonDUI...

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Wilmington OVI Checkpoint At US 22 Tonight!

There will be a Wilmington OVI checkpoint tonight from 9 p.m. until midnight on US 22 just west of Progress Way in Wilmington.  Aggressive saturation patrols will also accompany the checkpoint.Stay ahead of the checkpoints!  If you want to receive updated information on sobriety checkpoints, enhanced traffic enforcement, saturation patrols and other important developments that affect you, sign up for text alerts on the main page of this blog. Text alerts will be sent directly to your mobile device/smartphone in the location you choose in the Miami Valley. This service is free and available to the general public.You can also...

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Centerville OVI Checkpoint (Sept. 19, 2014)

There will be a Centerville OVI checkpoint tonight from 9 p.m. until 1 a.m. at South Main St. and Dale Ridge Dr.  The sobriety checkpoint will be accompanied by aggressive saturation patrols in and around the area.  Be safe and designate a sober driver.If you want to receive updated information on Centerville OVI checkpoint locations, enhanced traffic enforcement, saturation patrols and other important developments that affect you, sign up for text alerts here.  OVI checkpoint alerts will be sent directly to your mobile device/smartphone. You should also know that we respect your trust and we will never send you irrelevant...

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Kettering OVI Checkpoint Tonight! (Aug. 29, 2014)

Kettering OVI checkpoint tonight! The Kettering Police Department will conduct an OVI sobriety checkpoint Friday night from 11:00 p.m. until 3:00 a.m. at the 1000 block of East Dorothy Lane.  The OVI checkpoint will be accompanied by aggressive saturation patrols.  This checkpoint is paid for by federal grant funds and is part of the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign.If you want to receive updated information on Springfield OVI checkpoint locations, enhanced traffic enforcement, saturation patrols and other important developments that affect you, sign up for text alerts on the main page of this blog. OVI checkpoint alerts will be...

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Rolling Springfield OVI Checkpoints Tonight (Aug. 22, 2014)

Rolling Springfield OVI checkpoints tonight in Springfield and Enon.  The Clark County OVI Task Force will be operating a rolling OVI checkpoint in Clark County tonight Friday August 22 starting at 7:00 pm. Locations will be held at Main St. in Enon and 40/68 in Springfield. A rolling checkpoint means that multiple locations will be set up in Clark County in one evening.   This is part of the Drive Sober Get Pulled Over national campaign.  The campaign began August 15th and will conclude September 1st.If you want to receive updated information on Springfield OVI checkpoint locations, enhanced traffic enforcement, saturation...

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No Refusal Dayton OVI Checkpoint Tonight!

The Dayton Police Department, along with members of the Combined Agency OVI Task Force of Montgomery County, will operate a "no refusal" Dayton OVI sobriety checkpoint Saturday at 10 p.m. in the area of N. Gettysburg and Kings Highway.  A judge will be standing by to issue a warrant for a forced blood draw if you refuse to give evidence against yourself in the form of a breath test.  This is a newly adopted and highly controversial tactic that has been adopted by the Montgomery County OVI Task Force. If you want to receive updated information on Dayton OVI checkpoint locations,...

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Greene County/Beavercreek OVI Checkpoint Near WSU

There is going to be a Beavercreek OVI checkpoint near the Nutter Center. The Ohio State Highway Patrol says it will be conducted on Colonel Glenn Highway east of North Fairfield Road from 11:00 p.m. until 3:00 a.m. If you want to receive updated information on Beavercreek OVI checkpoint locations sign up. You'll also get enhanced traffic enforcement, saturation patrols and other important developments that affect you. OVI checkpoint alerts will be sent directly to your mobile device/smartphone in the location you choose in the Miami Valley. In the past month we have alerted our followers to the State Route 35...

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Sidney OVI Checkpoint Announced for June 28th

The Sidney OVI checkpoint location has been announced. The Ohio State Highway Patrol will hold an OVI checkpoint Saturday night on Russell Road in Sidney from 10 p.m. Saturday to 2 a.m. Sunday. If you want to receive updated information on Sidney OVI checkpoint locations, enhanced traffic enforcement, saturation patrols and other important developments that affect you, sign up for text alerts on the main page of this blog. OVI checkpoint alerts will be sent directly to your mobile device/smartphone in the location you choose in the Miami Valley. In the past month we have alerted our followers to the State...

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Dayton OVI Checkpoint News (June 27, 2014)

Dayton OVI checkpoint locations have been posted - Two OVI Checkpoints tonight in Dayton. Police say they will begin at 9:00 p.m. and run through midnight in the area of North Keowee St. and Fifth St. in addition to one at Wayne Avenue and Wyoming St.The Butler County O.V.I. Task Force will be conducting an OVI checkpoint tonight in Middletown. The checkpoint will be from 7 p.m. to 1 a.m. on State Route 122 near Bonita Drive. If you want to receive updated information on Dayton OVI checkpoint locations, enhanced traffic enforcement, saturation patrols and other important developments that affect you,...

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