Where Do You Practice?
Charles M. Rowland II has an extensive DUI / OVI / drunk driving defense practice that allows him to handle cases throughout the state of Ohio. His main base of operations remains the Miami Valley area which includes all of the following jurisdictions where Mr. Rowland has appeared. If you find yourself in need of an attorney please visit any of the following web sites listed below.The Greene County Court of Common Pleas: serving Beavercreek, Bellbrook, Bowersville, Cedarville, Fairborn, Jamestown, Kettering, Shawnee Hills, Spring Valley, Wilberforce, Wright-Patterson AFB, Xenia, Yellow Springs. See www.BeavercreekDUI.com, www.WrightPattersonDUI.com, www.FairbornDUI.com, www.KetteringDUI.com, www.XeniaDUI.com, www.BellbrookDUI.com or call 888-ROWLAND.The...
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