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Ohio Cities

Dayton DUI Attorney Charles Rowland > Local DUI  > Ohio Cities (Page 5)

Dayton OVI Attorney Charles M. Rowland II

Looking for a OVI attorney in Dayton, Ohio? Dayton OVI attorney, Charles M. Rowland II has been serving the people of Dayton since 1995. He focuses his practice exclusively on defending the accused drunk driver and has amassed an impressive number of credentials in his field. He was named "Top Attorney" in the area of OVI defense by Car & Driver (May 2013) and Time (August 2013). He is a former city prosecutor and special prosecutor in OVI cases. Charles Rowland has been an expert witness on matters of evidential breath testing, testifying on behalf of the United States government in...

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Dayton Municipal Court To Include Translation Services

Dayton Municipal Court to offer Translation Services The foreign born population in the United States has boomed over 57% in the last decade. More than one in 15 of our fellow Ohioans speak only "a little" English or speak "less than well." Russian, Swahili, Somoli, Turkish and other dialects make up a large proportion of the non-speaking population, as well as the growing Spanish-speaking population in the Dayton area. Language barriers can make it hard or confusing for citizens to access needed services, and criminal defendants and victims have the right to understand what’s happening in their cases.Welcome Dayton, the Dayton...

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Xenia OVI Arrests – Now With Body Cameras

If you have a Xenia OVI case, your attorney can now ask for body camera footage of your arrest. All Xenia police officers are armed with body cameras according to information released by the city on Monday. The officers are using Digital Ally’s First Vu HD personal body cameras which were partially funded with a grant. If you've been arrested with an OVI start with our local guide. For Xenia OVI cases, this means that we will get to see the standardized field sobriety tests as the officer does. It may provide a defense to an officer's accusation that a defendant was slurring...

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Moraine OVI Attorney – Get Help In The Moraine Mayor’s Court

If you are arrested in Moraine, Ohio on suspicion of an OVI (better known as "DUI" or drunk driving), your OVI case may be handled in the Moraine Mayor's Court which is located at 4200 Dryden Road, Moraine, Ohio 45439.  Your attorney will meet with a prosecuting attorney who represents the city at the Moraine City Building for purposes of plea negotiations.  If your Moraine OVI case requires a motion to suppress, or if you request that the matter be set for trial, your case will be transferred to the Kettering Municipal Court for adjudication pursuant to Ohio law.Charles Rowland regularly...

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Fairborn Municipal Court’s Vivitrol Drug Court Program Is Certified

The Fairborn Municipal Court's Vivitrol drug court has received certification. According to the very good story in the Fairborn Herald, The Fairborn Municipal Vivitrol Drug Court program aims to teach individuals how to live a drug and alcohol-free life. Those accepted are expected to be able to do so within two years of entering the program. It is broken into four phases, and individuals will begin Vivitrol treatment within the first phase, and possibly discontinuing the drug during or after the fourth phase, depending on the individual. In the first phase, participants are screened a minimum of two times per week, visit...

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How To Obtain Driving Privileges In The Xenia Municipal Court

Obtaining driving privileges in the Xenia Municipal Court is available via an online petition available HERE via the court website.  The Clerks have been instructed by Judge Michael K. Murry to reject applications for driving privileges unless the requests comply with the following requirements:The request must be completely legible. The request must be completely legible. The name, address, and telephone number of the applicant’s supervisor is evident on the application.If the applicant is requesting driving privileges during working hours, then an explanation of why the applicant needs to have driving privileges during the workday is necessary (i.e., deliver pizzas,...

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Fairborn Municipal Court 2014 Annual Report

The Fairborn Municipal Court, 1148 Kauffman Ave., Fairborn, Ohio 45324. The Fairborn Municipal Court has released its 2014 "Annual Report." Here are some highlights:The total number of charges filed in 2014 was 21,677; In 2014, the Court conducted 70 Criminal and Traffic Trials; In 2014, the Court conducted 2 jury trials; There were 601 OVI (drunk driving) cases filed in 2014; The Ohio State Highway Patrol was the most active agency brining 299 OVI charges. Beavercreek P.D filed 152. Fairborn P.D. filed 120, Greene County Sheriff filed 28 OVI charges and one (1) was filed by Greene County Parks and Wright State University;If you find...

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OVI in Huber Heights? Call Charles Rowland

If you are arrested for misdemeanor OVI in Huber Heights, your case will be heard in the Montgomery County Municipal Court (Eastern Division). Many refer to this court as the Huber Heights Municipal Court, but the court's jurisdiction is larger, covering regions in north-east Montgomery County including the city of Riverside, Ohio.  The Montgomery County Area Two Court is located at 6111 Taylorsville Rd., Huber Heights, OH 45424-2951.  You can contact the court's Traffic/Criminal Division at  (937) 496-7231, the Civil Division at (937) 225-5824 and you can fax information to (937) 496-7236. We have been helping people accused of OVI in Huber Heights for over twenty years. If you have questions about your case we can...

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Do You Have A Warrant In The Kettering Municipal Court?

Do you have a warrant at the Kettering Municipal Court? You can view public records, including warrants, HERE at the Court's website or you can contact the Clerk's office at (937) 296-2461.If you do have a warrant, it is in your interests to contact an attorney immediately.  You attorney will arrange to bring you promptly before the court to address the underlying issue and talk to the court about having the warrant cancelled. If you choose to handle the matter without an attorney you can walk in any time, however, 9:00 a.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday is the optimum time to...

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Springfield OVI Attorney Charles Rowland

Springfield OVI Attorney Charles M. Rowland II Charles Rowland has been defending Clark County residents accused of drunk driving for over twenty years and has made himself Springfield's choice for OVI defense.  If you face a charge, call him today at (937) 318-1384.  If you need to find information about a case in the Clark County  Municipal Court you can search HERE for case information/case look-up,  or visit the court’s web site HERE.  You can also visit SpringfieldDUI.com or SpringfieldOVI.com....

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