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Ohio Cities

Dayton DUI Attorney Charles Rowland > Local DUI  > Ohio Cities (Page 8)

Are You The Best OVI Attorney In Dayton?

Are you the best OVI attorney in Dayton? Often a prospective client will ask if I am the "best OVI attorney in Dayton."  I always answer this question by saying that I am a damn good OVI attorney, but you should investigate me to determine if I am the best attorney for you.  The most important decision you will make in your case is determining who will represent you.  Here are some things to help you find the best OVI attorney in Dayton - FOR YOU.How Much Of Your Practice Is Dedicated To OVI Defense?  OVI defense is a complex area of...

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Dayton DUI Attorney Charles M. Rowland II

Dayton DUI attorney Charles M. Rowland II serves the Dayton Municipal Court.If you are arrested on suspicion of  drunk driving in the City of Dayton, your misdemeanor case will be heard in the Dayton Municipal Court.  The Dayton Municipal Court is located at 301 West Third Street Dayton, Ohio 45402.  You can visit the Dayton Municipal Court’s website at: www.DaytonMunicipalCourt.org. Office hours for the Clerk of Court are 8:00am to 4:30pm, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, for the acceptance of case filings and payments. Parking, Traffic and Criminal payments can also be paid online at www.PayMyFine.org.  A full list of contact numbers...

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Dayton DUI Credentials: Former Prosecuting Attorney

Dayton DUI attorney Charles M. Rowland II has served as a city prosecutor responsible for DUI cases and has served as a special prosecutor handling DUI cases.  He now represents people accused of drunk driving.Charles is a frequent speaker and a prolific writer on all matters related to DUI defense. The DaytonDUI Blog was chosen for inclusion in the prestigious ABA Journal of Legal Blogs . In 2011, Charles spoke to the Dayton Bar Association on evidential breath testing and in 2012 Charles was honored to be one of only two DUI defense attorneys chosen to speak to Ohio’s prosecuting...

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We Are Proud To Be Your Clark County DUI Defense Firm

We are proud to be your Clark County DUI Defense Firm! Babb & Rowland is proudly located in Fairborn, Ohio at 2190 Dayton-Yellow Springs Dr.  You can find us at Exit 20 (the Fairborn High School Exit) just off I-675.  Our offices are conveniently located near our Clark County clients and just a 10-15 minute drive from downtown Springfield.  You can find us on the web at www.SpringfieldDUI.com or www.SpringfieldOVI.com.  Charles M. Rowland II has regularly appeared in the Clark County Municipal Court representing the accused drunk driver since 1995.  We can lay claim to the title “Springfield’s DUI Law Firm” because...

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Vandalia DUI? Call Charles M. Rowland II

Vandalia DUI attorney Charles M. Rowland II regularly appears in the Vandalia Municipal Court representing the accused drunk driver.  He has established both www.VandaliaDUI.com and www.VandaliaOVI.com to help you access court services and learn about services provided.  Access to the court concerns cases arising anywhere in the Cities of Vandalia, Englewood, Clayton, Union and the Townships of Harrison and Butler.Vandalia DUI attorney Charles M. Rowland II dedicates his practice to defending the accused drunk driver in the Vandalia and throughout Ohio.  He has the credentials and the experience to win your case and has made himself Dayton’s choice for drunk driving defense. Contact Charles Rowland...

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Your Xenia OVI Attorney – Charles M. Rowland II

Charles M. Rowland II would like to be your Xenia OVI attorney.Charles M. Rowland II maintains an established DUI/OVI practice, representing the accused drunk driver in the Xenia Municipal Court and throughout Ohio.  An attorney since 1995, Charles Rowland dedicates his practice exclusively to representing the accused drunk driver and has worked to amass more credentials than any attorney in his field.  As a Xenia OVI attorney, Charles M. Rowland II maintained an office in the Greene County seat for over 10 years.Charles served as the Xenia City Prosecutor and has served as a “Special Prosecutor” on high-profile felony cases. ...

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Kettering OVI Checkpoint Tonight! (Aug. 29, 2014)

Kettering OVI checkpoint tonight! The Kettering Police Department will conduct an OVI sobriety checkpoint Friday night from 11:00 p.m. until 3:00 a.m. at the 1000 block of East Dorothy Lane.  The OVI checkpoint will be accompanied by aggressive saturation patrols.  This checkpoint is paid for by federal grant funds and is part of the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign.If you want to receive updated information on Springfield OVI checkpoint locations, enhanced traffic enforcement, saturation patrols and other important developments that affect you, sign up for text alerts on the main page of this blog. OVI checkpoint alerts will be...

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First Offense Kettering OVI – What Is Going To Happen To Me?

A first offense Kettering OVI is defined at O.R.C. 4511.19 as a DUI with no priors within 6 years.  A first offense OVI can be charged in three ways.  The first charge is caused by testing over the legal limit of .08% B.A.C. (example O.R.C. 4511.19(A)(1)(d)).  These types of offenses are also referred to as “per se”  violations.  A second way to be charged is for violating the high-tier provision of Ohio’s OVI law.  Ohio has also created a per se “high-tier” limit of .17% BrAC, sometimes referred to as a SUPER-OVI.  The per se high-tier limits for a first offense OVI are set forth at O.R.C. 4511.19(A)(1)         (f)...

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Dayton Drunk Driving Lawyer Charles M. Rowland II

Dayton drunk driving lawyer Charles M. Rowland understands.  You thought a DUI could never happen to you or someone close to you, but now you have suddenly realized you are in a situation that you never expected. You are probably asking yourself, “What happens next?” or “What do I do now?” Contact Dayton drunk driving defense lawyer Charles M. Rowland II to protect all of your rights. You can rest assured that the Government is going to do everything they can to try to convict you of Operating a Vehicle While Impaired (OVI).  A DUI arrest is a jarring event with...

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Pay Online At The Vandalia Municipal Court

The Vandalia Municipal Court has made it easy to pay your violation using its website.  To find out how to make an online payment visit HERE.  To make a payment visit the court HERE.If you choose this form of payment, please check with the court's online records to make sure that you are paying for any and all citations against you.  The result of your search will display all cases relevant to that search. Tickets can contain up to seven (7) separate charges, if you are paying to waive a court appearance, make sure you are paying all the charges....

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