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Dayton DUI Attorney Charles Rowland > Posts tagged "centerville"

Centerville DUI Lawyer Charles M. Rowland II

Centerville DUI Attorney? Call Charlie at (937) 318-1384 Centerville DUI attorney Charles M. Rowland II has been serving the people of Centerville since 1995. All arrests in Centerville are heard in the Kettering Municipal Court. Check out all of the articles on this blog about the Kettering Municipal Court. Here are some important links to the Kettering Municipal Court and the City of Centerville.Centerville, Ohio Kettering Municipal Court Small Claims Court Legal Terminology Jury Service Employer’s Guide to Garnishment For a list of other available publications link hereHe focuses his practice exclusively on defending the accused drunk driver. Choose Charlie...

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Centerville DUI Lawyer Charles M. Rowland II

Do you need a Centerville DUI lawyer? I regularly appear in the Kettering Municipal Court representing the accused Centerville DUI driver.  Access to the court concerns cases arising anywhere in the Cities of Centerville, Kettering or Washington Township. I am a Centerville DUI lawyer representing the accused drunk driver since 1995. My goal is earning  more certifications and credentials than any practicing DUI lawyer. Because of my efforts, I have been named one of the top DUI lawyers in the country by both TIME and CAR & DRIVER magazine.  Therefore, give me a call. Centerville DUI lawyer Charles M. Rowland II dedicates his practice...

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Changes At The Kettering Municipal Court

The Kettering Municipal Court has undergone some major changes in recent years.  The retirement of Judge Thomas Hanna and the passing of Judge Robert Moore created two new positions that have been admirably filled by Judge James Long and Judge Frederick Dressel.  Judge Long was the long-time prosecutor in that court and Judge Dressel served for many years as the Kettering Municipal Court Magistrate.  This gives them a depth of experience and a knowledge of the Court's history and culture. For more information about the Kettering Municipal Court, visit there web site [here]. Hours of operation are Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m....

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Mandatory Appearances In The Kettering Municipal Court

Some people who are charged with an OVI in the Kettering Municipal Court think that they can skip their first appearance. This is not the case.  Many traffic and some criminal citations are payable in the Clerk’s Office and do not require a court appearance in front of the judge. These are called “waiverable” citations. You can choose to appear before the judge on your court date for these citations. Or, you can choose to waive your right to a hearing in court, plead guilty and pay your costs and fines for these citations in the Clerk’s Office. Waiverable citations...

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Kettering Municipal Court Statistics Show Drop In Cases

The Kettering Municipal Court appears to have experienced a significant reduction in the number of cases it is handling.  According to statistics HERE, the number of cases heard has dropped from 17,369 in 2013 to 15,819 in 2014.  But that does not tell the whole story.Despite the drop in total number of cases, criminal cases are up. The court dealt with 2,707 criminal cases in 2013 and saw that number rise to 2,876 in 2014.  Similarly, civil/small claims filing rose from 1,219 to 1,364.  The drop looks to be a reduced traffic docket.  Traffic cases dropped from 13,443 in 2013...

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Centerville DUI – Centerville OVI

If you are arrested on suspicion of drunk driving in Centerville, your Centerville DUI will be heard in the Kettering Municipal Court.  Presiding over all Centerville misdemeanor DUI cases in the Kettering Municipal Court is the Honorable Fred Dressel and the Honorable James Long. Small claims are heard by Richard Boucher, attorney-at-law. The elected Clerk of Courts is Andrea White.  Here is some useful contact information: Kettering Municipal Court 2325 Wilmington Pike Kettering OH 45420 www.ketteringmunicipalcourt.org (937) 296-2466 (937) 296-3284 (Fax) Clerk of Courts (937) 296-2461 (937) 534-7017 (Fax) Open Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30PM For a listing of important links about Centerville and the Miami Valley, please visit HERE....

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Holiday DUI Blitz Begins December 6th

The Ohio State Highway Patrol announced its annual "Holiday DUI Blitz."  The 6-State Trooper Project is a multi-state law enforcement partnership aimed at providing combined and coordinated law enforcement and security services in the areas of highway safety, criminal patrol and intelligence sharing.The holiday dui  initiative will take place from Friday, December 5 at 12:01 a.m. through Sunday, December 7 at 11:59 p.m. This high-visibility enforcement effort will include the Indiana State Police, Kentucky State Police, Michigan State Police, Ohio State Highway Patrol, Pennsylvania State Police and the West Virginia State Police. Charles M. Rowland II dedicates his practice to defending...

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Centerville OVI Checkpoint (Sept. 19, 2014)

There will be a Centerville OVI checkpoint tonight from 9 p.m. until 1 a.m. at South Main St. and Dale Ridge Dr.  The sobriety checkpoint will be accompanied by aggressive saturation patrols in and around the area.  Be safe and designate a sober driver.If you want to receive updated information on Centerville OVI checkpoint locations, enhanced traffic enforcement, saturation patrols and other important developments that affect you, sign up for text alerts here.  OVI checkpoint alerts will be sent directly to your mobile device/smartphone. You should also know that we respect your trust and we will never send you irrelevant...

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Paying On-Line At The Kettering Municipal Court

Kettering DUI Attorney Charles M. Rowland II regularly appears in the Kettering Municipal Court representing the accused drunk driver.  He has established both KetteringDUI.com and KetteringOVI.com to help you access court services and learn about services provided. Access to the court concerns cases arising anywhere in Kettering, Centerville, Moraine, or Washington Township. Paying On-Line At The Kettering Municipal Court For your convenience, the Kettering Municipal Court Clerk’s Office has created an e-payment service to allow you to pay your costs and fines online through a secure server.  You can pay your ticket online using a credit card if your traffic or criminal citation...

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The Kettering DUI Law Firm of Charles M. Rowland II

The Kettering DUI law firm of Babb & Rowland  has proudly represented the accused drunk driver in the Kettering Municipal Court since 1995.  You can find us on the web at www.KetteringDUI.com, www.KetteringOVI.com, and www.MoraineDUI.com.  According to AVVO, Charles M. Rowland II is the only Superb 10/10 rated attorney who devotes 100% of his practice to DUI defense in Kettering.  He has also been featured in Car & Driver and Time Magazine for excellence in the field of DUI defense.  Kettering DUI?  If you have been arrested for OVI inCenterville, Kettering, Moraine or Washington Township, your misdemeanor OVI case will be heard in the Kettering Municipal Court.  If you need to...

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