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Dayton DUI Attorney Charles Rowland > Posts tagged "kettering"

Kettering DUI Lawyer Charles M. Rowland II

Need a Kettering DUI Lawyer? I Can Help! You thought a drunk driving arrest could never happen to you or someone close to you, but now you have suddenly realized you need help. You are probably asking yourself, “What happens next?” or “What do I do now?” For over twenty years we have been representing good people who face an OVI charge.As a Kettering DUI lawyer, I regularly appear in the Kettering Municipal Court representing the accused drunk driver.  In addition, I established KetteringDUI.com and www.KetteringOVI.com to help you access court services and learn about services provided. Access to the court concerns cases arising anywhere...

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Kettering DUI Lawyer Charles Rowland – I Can Help

Need A Kettering DUI Lawyer? Call Charles M. Rowland II! You thought a drunk driving arrest could never happen to you or someone close to you, but now you have suddenly realized you need help. You are probably asking yourself, “What happens next?” or “What do I do now?” For over twenty years we have been representing good people who face an OVI charge. Contact Kettering DUI Lawyer Charles M. Rowland II to protect all of your rights.You can rest assured that the government is going to do everything they can to try to convict you of Operating a Vehicle While...

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Changes At The Kettering Municipal Court

The Kettering Municipal Court has undergone some major changes in recent years.  The retirement of Judge Thomas Hanna and the passing of Judge Robert Moore created two new positions that have been admirably filled by Judge James Long and Judge Frederick Dressel.  Judge Long was the long-time prosecutor in that court and Judge Dressel served for many years as the Kettering Municipal Court Magistrate.  This gives them a depth of experience and a knowledge of the Court's history and culture. For more information about the Kettering Municipal Court, visit there web site [here]. Hours of operation are Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m....

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OVI Crackdown: Drive Sober Or Get Pulled Over

OVI Crack Down Throughout Ohio.  Aug. 21 through Sept. 7 (Labor Day), law enforcement partners nationwide will show zero tolerance for drunk driving. Increased state and national messaging about the dangers of driving drunk, coupled with checkpoints and increased officers on the road, aim to drastically increase OVI arrests. This is part of the annual "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over" campaign.There will be three sobriety checkpoints in the Miami Valley area tonight and multiple checkpoints throughout Ohio. Kettering will be holding its checkpoint on Saturday, with details of the location released Saturday morning.The Germantown Police Department will conduct a checkpoint from...

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Do You Have A Warrant In The Kettering Municipal Court?

Do you have a warrant at the Kettering Municipal Court? You can view public records, including warrants, HERE at the Court's website or you can contact the Clerk's office at (937) 296-2461.If you do have a warrant, it is in your interests to contact an attorney immediately.  You attorney will arrange to bring you promptly before the court to address the underlying issue and talk to the court about having the warrant cancelled. If you choose to handle the matter without an attorney you can walk in any time, however, 9:00 a.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday is the optimum time to...

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Kettering Municipal Court – What Do I Plead?

On its site, the Kettering Municipal Court offers an explanation of the three possible pleas you may enter in your case.   The court states as follows: Pleas You May Enter and Your Rights Under These PleasYou may choose to enter any of these pleas when you appear before the Judge:NOT GUILTY PLEABy pleading NOT GUILTY, you are denying the charge. The prosecution will be required to prove its case against you beyond a reasonable doubt at a trial. THE TRIAL WILL BE SET FOR A LATER DATE.If the offense you are charged with carries the potential for jail time as...

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Mandatory Appearances In The Kettering Municipal Court

Some people who are charged with an OVI in the Kettering Municipal Court think that they can skip their first appearance. This is not the case.  Many traffic and some criminal citations are payable in the Clerk’s Office and do not require a court appearance in front of the judge. These are called “waiverable” citations. You can choose to appear before the judge on your court date for these citations. Or, you can choose to waive your right to a hearing in court, plead guilty and pay your costs and fines for these citations in the Clerk’s Office. Waiverable citations...

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Kettering Municipal Court Statistics Show Drop In Cases

The Kettering Municipal Court appears to have experienced a significant reduction in the number of cases it is handling.  According to statistics HERE, the number of cases heard has dropped from 17,369 in 2013 to 15,819 in 2014.  But that does not tell the whole story.Despite the drop in total number of cases, criminal cases are up. The court dealt with 2,707 criminal cases in 2013 and saw that number rise to 2,876 in 2014.  Similarly, civil/small claims filing rose from 1,219 to 1,364.  The drop looks to be a reduced traffic docket.  Traffic cases dropped from 13,443 in 2013...

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Centerville DUI – Centerville OVI

If you are arrested on suspicion of drunk driving in Centerville, your Centerville DUI will be heard in the Kettering Municipal Court.  Presiding over all Centerville misdemeanor DUI cases in the Kettering Municipal Court is the Honorable Fred Dressel and the Honorable James Long. Small claims are heard by Richard Boucher, attorney-at-law. The elected Clerk of Courts is Andrea White.  Here is some useful contact information: Kettering Municipal Court 2325 Wilmington Pike Kettering OH 45420 www.ketteringmunicipalcourt.org (937) 296-2466 (937) 296-3284 (Fax) Clerk of Courts (937) 296-2461 (937) 534-7017 (Fax) Open Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30PM For a listing of important links about Centerville and the Miami Valley, please visit HERE....

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Montgomery County DUI Information On-Line

If you are looking for Montgomery County DUI information on-line, please follow the links below.  Since most DUI cases are heard in a municipal court, included first are all of the Montgomery County Municipal Courts.  If your charge includes a felony charge, it will be within the jurisdiction of the Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas. You can find Common Pleas information on the PRO system at the following link:  http://www.clerk.co.montgomery.oh.us/pro/ Follow the links below for the municipal court on-line records:Eastern and Western Division Municipal Courts PRO System http://www.mccountycourts.org/PROIf you need specific information about any court, please give us a call at (937)...

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