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Miles per hour Tag

Dayton DUI Attorney Charles Rowland > Posts tagged "Miles per hour"

Speeding in Ohio – What is the Law?

SPEEDING: What is the law?The speed law is set forth at Ohio Revised Code 4511.21.  It states:(A) No person shall operate a motor vehicle, trackless trolley, or streetcar at a speed greater or less than is reasonable or proper, having due regard to the traffic, surface, and width of the street or highway and any other conditions, and no person shall drive any motor vehicle, trackless trolley, or streetcar in and upon any street or highway at a greater speed than will permit the person to bring it to a stop within the assured clear distance ahead.The law goes on...

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Assured Clear Distance, R.C. 4511.21(A)

Ohio Revised Code 4511.21(A), Assured Clear Distance, is a law requiring that you drive your vehicle in such a way as to be able to bring you car to a stop to avoid an accident.  As a driver, you are required to take into consideration, night driving, weather conditions, hills, curves, turns and poor lighting.  If you are driving your car and a car is traveling or stopped in front of you heading in the same direction and in the same path or lane of travel as you, you must be able to bring your car to a stop to...

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Ohio Speed Limit Update

Image by bredgur via FlickrSubject: Ohio H.B. 162-Speed limit to 70 mphOn Wednesday, June 3, 2009, The Ohio House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee will hold a second hearing for H.B. 162 that would raise the speed limit to 70 m.p.h. on Ohio's Interstates. The hearing will take place at 10:30 AM in Room 017 (in the basement of the Statehouse). The agenda states that the hearing is open to Proponents, Opponents, and Interested Parties.You can be sure that the government and insurance representatives will be there to claim the entire population of Ohio will...

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