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ovi lawyer Tag

Dayton DUI Attorney Charles Rowland > Posts tagged "ovi lawyer"

Xenia OVI Defense: Top Strategies To Win Your Case

XENIA OVI DEFENSE When people need an Xenia OVI defense attorney, the biggest challenge is knowing whether or not an attorney truly has the skills, knowledge, training, tools, resources, and strategies that are needed to successfully resolve and win drunk driving cases. Countless attorneys handle impaired driving cases. However,  only a small percentage have the skills that are needed to successfully resolve and win cases. Unfortunately for the public, even attorneys who have been practicing law for many years and devote a significant portion of their practice to OVI law, often don’t have the resources, and strategies that are needed to successfully resolve...

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Are You The Best OVI Lawyer?

Are You The Best OVI Lawyer? Someone called my office the other day and demanded an answer. "I want the best OVI lawyer, Is that you?" Believe it or not, I have encountered this question a few times. I always answer by saying, "I have experience, credentials and a great track record, but you should sit down with me and see if I'm right for you."  The truth is that you have to choose an attorney who is qualified.  Once they pass that test, you have to judge them on a more intuitive level. Do you like them? Has their staff...

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