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Dayton DUI Attorney Charles Rowland > Posts tagged "unions"

Happy Labor Day from Dayton DUI

Happy Labor Day from Dayton DUI!  Dayton DUI will be closed in honor of America's workers. If you need to reach me, call my 24 hour number at (937) 776-2671.Labor day means a great deal to me. My father started out in the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen which became the United Transportation Union.  My Mom was a proud member of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME).   Without the good wages and benefits provided by their shared sacrifice, I could never have gone to college.  We had a placard in our house given to my dad...

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Crisis in Fourth Amendment Jurisprudence

Image by Kevin H. via FlickrACS is pleased to distribute an Issue Brief by Jay Stanley, Senior Policy Analyst at the American Civil Liberties Union's Speech, Privacy and Technology Program, entitled “The Crisis in Fourth Amendment Jurisprudence.” In this Issue Brief, Mr. Stanley discusses the possible threat to Americans' privacy as rapid advancements in technology are placing stress on slowly evolving legal doctrines. He argues that "the broken state of our jurisprudence is a serious problem, and poses a substantial risk that advancing technology will leave privacy law...

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Ohio Judge Ordered to Remove Religious Display in Courtroom

Image via WikipediaMANSFIELD, OH- The American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio prevailed today in its lawsuit against Richland County Judge James DeWeese, who displayed religious documents his courtroom. Judge Patricia A. Gaughan of the Federal Court for the Northern District of Ohio ordered Judge DeWeese to remove the display as it unconstitutionally endorsed particular religious views over others. This marks the second time the courts have ordered Judge DeWeese to remove religious documents from his courtroom. In 2002, the ACLU won a lawsuit against him for posting the Ten Commandments on his courtroom wall.“We are pleased the court saw through...

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Happy Labor Day from Brown, Rowland, Babb & Campbell

Image by George Eastman House via FlickrFor most of us, Labor Day means backyard barbecues, weekend sales, and a last carefree day before school starts. But the laid-back holiday has some seriously sad history, including chaos, riots, and even death.A tragic tale Back in the days of the Industrial Revolution, workers were expected to put in 12-hour days, seven days a week (yes, including kids). Already sounds awful, right? It gets worse. In Pullman, Illinois,  a company town that employed and housed workers to build posh railway cars, times had gotten tough. In...

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Ohio’s Juvenile Justice System is Failing Kids

Image via WikipediaCOLUMBUS, OH – The Ohio juvenile justice system is failing the state's children by permitting children to be routinely shackled, mandating that children accused of certain crimes be charged as adults and by not ensuring that all children accused of crimes get lawyers.The findings, detailed in a report card released today, are the result of an investigation by the American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU of Ohio, the Children's Law Center, Inc. and the Office of the Ohio Public Defender. The investigation has also revealed that Ohio detains and incarcerates a greater percentage of its children than most...

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