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Vandalia Tag

Dayton DUI Attorney Charles Rowland > Posts tagged "Vandalia"

Vandalia DUI Lawyer? Call Charlie

Vandalia DUI Lawyer? Hire a Vandalia DUI lawyer and learn more about the court. Vandalia Municipal Court’s jurisdiction serves approximately 83.5 square miles, which includes the Cities of Vandalia, Englewood, Clayton, Union and the Townships of Harrison and Butler, located in the Montgomery County, Ohio.  The Court is located on the 2nd floor of the Justice Center at 245 James E. Bohanan Memorial Drive, Vandalia, Ohio. Hours of operation are  Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  The honorable Cynthia M. Heck is the elected judge of the Vandalia Municipal Court and will preside over your case.  In addition to Judge Heck, you may also...

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The Vandalia Municipal Court License Intervention Program

As a Vandalia OVI attorney, we are often confronted with the reality that current law makes managing your Ohio operator's license a mess.  We spend a great deal of time and effort fixing any issues that you may have had in the past and get you driving privileges.Luckily, the Vandalia Municipal Court offers a License Intervention Program that is accessible to all.  The License Intervention Program (LIP) is managed through the Probation Department.  This program assists individuals in obtaining a valid Ohio operator's license or driving privileges.  The individual must meet the criteria as set by the Court.You can reach...

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Montgomery County DUI Information On-Line

If you are looking for Montgomery County DUI information on-line, please follow the links below.  Since most DUI cases are heard in a municipal court, included first are all of the Montgomery County Municipal Courts.  If your charge includes a felony charge, it will be within the jurisdiction of the Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas. You can find Common Pleas information on the PRO system at the following link:  http://www.clerk.co.montgomery.oh.us/pro/ Follow the links below for the municipal court on-line records:Eastern and Western Division Municipal Courts PRO System http://www.mccountycourts.org/PROIf you need specific information about any court, please give us a call at (937)...

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Vandalia OVI Checkpoint (Nov. 21, 2014)

There will be a Vandalia OVI checkpoint tonight (Nov. 21st, 2014) along US 40 (east of airport access exit) 8pm - midnight.  Stay safe and designate a sober driver. If you need the assistance of an attorney, contact us at (937) 776-2671 anytime 24/7.Stay ahead of the Vandalia OVI checkpoints! If you want to receive updated information on sobriety checkpoints, enhanced traffic enforcement, saturation patrols and other important developments that affect you, sign up for text alerts. Text alerts will be sent directly to your mobile device/smartphone in the location you choose in the Miami Valley. This service is free...

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Dayton DUI Credentials: Former Prosecuting Attorney

Dayton DUI attorney Charles M. Rowland II has served as a city prosecutor responsible for DUI cases and has served as a special prosecutor handling DUI cases.  He now represents people accused of drunk driving.Charles is a frequent speaker and a prolific writer on all matters related to DUI defense. The DaytonDUI Blog was chosen for inclusion in the prestigious ABA Journal of Legal Blogs . In 2011, Charles spoke to the Dayton Bar Association on evidential breath testing and in 2012 Charles was honored to be one of only two DUI defense attorneys chosen to speak to Ohio’s prosecuting...

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Vandalia DUI? Call Charles M. Rowland II

Vandalia DUI attorney Charles M. Rowland II regularly appears in the Vandalia Municipal Court representing the accused drunk driver.  He has established both www.VandaliaDUI.com and www.VandaliaOVI.com to help you access court services and learn about services provided.  Access to the court concerns cases arising anywhere in the Cities of Vandalia, Englewood, Clayton, Union and the Townships of Harrison and Butler.Vandalia DUI attorney Charles M. Rowland II dedicates his practice to defending the accused drunk driver in the Vandalia and throughout Ohio.  He has the credentials and the experience to win your case and has made himself Dayton’s choice for drunk driving defense. Contact Charles Rowland...

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Pay Online At The Vandalia Municipal Court

The Vandalia Municipal Court has made it easy to pay your violation using its website.  To find out how to make an online payment visit HERE.  To make a payment visit the court HERE.If you choose this form of payment, please check with the court's online records to make sure that you are paying for any and all citations against you.  The result of your search will display all cases relevant to that search. Tickets can contain up to seven (7) separate charges, if you are paying to waive a court appearance, make sure you are paying all the charges....

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Vandalia OVI Attorney Charles Rowland

Charles M. Rowland II wants to be your Vandalia OVI Attorney.  Provided below are some of the important links.  Be sure to check out the sites for articles and information specific to arrests made within the court's jurisdiction and for information about Vandalia OVI Attorney Charles M. Rowland II. Vandalia Municipal Court’s jurisdiction serves approximately 83.5 square miles, which includes the Cities of Vandalia, Englewood, Clayton, Union and the Townships of Harrison and Butler, located in the Montgomery County, Ohio.  The Court is located on the 2nd floor of the Justice Center at 245 James E. Bohanan Memorial Drive, Vandalia, Ohio. The Court...

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Ruling Could Doom Ohio Stoned Driving Rules

 Stoned driving laws took a hit this week when Arizona ruled that per se limits on marijuana could not be applied.Ohio has adopted a draconian impairment law that punishes drivers for having a metabolite of marijuana in their system.  In effect that means that you are stoned driving if you smoke or ingest marijuana the metabolite "hydroxy-THC" that will remain in your body long after the "high" has dissipated.  This means that you may be "impaired" for purposes of the law, but not in any way be impaired by the drug.  If you visit Colorado to legally use recreational marijuana...

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Vandalia Municipal Court Case Look Up (Public Records)

The Vandalia Municipal Court Case Lookup is a service of VandaliaDUI.com, VandaliaOVI.com and the offices of Babb & Rowland, Vandalia’s DUI law firm. The Court serves approximately 83.5 square miles, which includes the Cities of Vandalia, Englewood, Clayton, Union and the Townships of Harrison and Butler, located in the Montgomery County, Ohio.  The Court is located on the 2nd floor of the Justice Center at 245 James E. Bohanan Memorial Drive, Vandalia, Ohio. The Court operates Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  The honorable Cynthia M. Heck is the elected judge and will preside over your case.  Listed below is some very helpful links.To visit the...

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