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Happy Presidents Day From DaytonDUI

Happy Presidents Day from all of us at Babb & Rowland. In honor of Presidents Day, we will be closed on Monday February 17, 2014.  You can still reach Charles Rowland at my 24/7 DUI Hot-line: (937) 776-2671.  Fill out our short contact form and I will return your call within 1 hour.  For information about Dayton DUI sent directly to your mobile device, text DaytonDUI (one word) to 50500.  We offer a free text service on our blog which will keep you informed about traffic initiatives in and around the Miami Valley.  Videos about DaytonDUI are available at the DaytonDUI YouTube channel and...

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Dayton DUI on Pintrest

I know a lot of lawyers who are frustrated artists.  Some play in bands or play an instrument while others are accomplished painters and sculptors.  If I could not practice law, I would love to be a photographer.  I practice my hobby by posting pictures of Ohio's beautiful courthouses on the DaytonDUI Pintrest page.  As most of you know, Pintrest is a web site where people post and share photos of things they care deeply about.  I invite you to visit my Pintrest page and share some of your own great courthouse pictures.[SlideDeck2 id=24910] Related articlesWill Ohio Lower The Legal Limit...

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Miami County Ohio DUI Information (Troy, Piqua & Tipp City)

One of the most beautiful buildings in Ohio is the Miami County Courthouse, home of the Miami County Municipal Court [link].  The court is located on Main St., in downtown Troy, Ohio (address mail to "Courthouse") and is open from 8am to 4pm Monday through Friday.  The Judges of the Miami Municipal Court are the honorable Elizabeth Gutmann and Gary Nasal.  The court allows the public to access cases [look up cases here] for review and provides court rules [link] and information on various court programs.  If you are arrested for misdemeanor OVI anywhere in Miami County, your case will...

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Dayton DUI Answers The Question, “Should I Blow?”

To blow or not to blow, that is the question.  DUI attorney explains how the Breathe test affects your case in this video and whether to blow or not to blow.   Unfortunately, the answer is "maybe" and involves a very complicated investigation of the facts of your case and your personal history.  You should NEVER refuse the test without understanding how a refusal would affect YOU.  No attorney can know all of the circumstances of your arrest and your personal history, always ask to speak to an attorney when making this decision.Can you answer "TRUE" to ALL of the following questions? If so,...

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DUI in Dayton, Ohio? Your Case Will Be Heard In The Dayton Municipal Court

If you are arrested on suspicion of  drunk driving in the City of Dayton, your misdemeanor DUI case will be heard in the Dayton Municipal Court.  The Dayton Municipal Court is located at 301 West Third Street Dayton, Ohio 45402.  You can visit the Dayton Municipal Court’s website at:www.DaytonMunicipalCourt.org. Office hours for the Clerk of Court are 8:00am to 4:30pm, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, for the acceptance of case filings and payments. Parking, Traffic and Criminal payments can also be paid online at www.PayMyFine.org.  A full list of contact numbers is available on the Court’s website and the Clerk can be...

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“LIKE” DaytonDUI on Facebook

8,000 DaytonDUI Fans Can't Be Wrong If you like the articles related to Ohio DUI law that you see here, please join our 8,000+ fans on Facebook.  The Dayton DUI Facebook page is a constant feed of information related to Ohio DUI law, decisions from the Ohio and United States Supreme Court, red-light cameras, checkpoints throughout Ohio, developments in civil liberties and the latest information about DaytonDUI.  I promise to work really hard to bring you relevant, funny and enlightening content on a daily basis.  Facebook also offers you a way to participate and register your opinions about Ohio's tough DUI laws.  So please consider giving...

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