Still Proud To Serve Dayton and the Miami Valley

Dayton Ohio OVI attorney
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Charles is a frequent speaker and a prolific writer on all matters related to OVI / DUI defense.

It is 2021! I have been looking back at my career and my life.

My children are leaving for college and my job is at a high point. If you find yourself in need of an OVI attorney in Dayton or any surrounding area, please give me a call at (937) 318-1384.

I am so proud to be your choice for DUI defense. I find myself re-dedicating myself to all matters related to my chosen speciality and so happy that I get  a chance to dedicate myself to defending people accused of DUI. I feel like I’ve outlasted the various search engines. I remember paying $25 a month to be listed on “HeyGeeves” (bad investment)!  I also remember totally thinking Yahoo would dominate this new up-start Google. I invested in various web sites. I thought I’d be able to retire by now because I own and other sites. I remember thinking that blogging to show how much I knew about DUI was my saving grace. As I get older, it is slowly returning to the old-school word of mouth referrals and recommendations.

Nothing means more to me than being able to be your attorney. If you want to learn more about me or my practice, please call and we will get you in for a FREE consultation.

Thanks again for looking into my practice and thanks for sticking with me through all the years.

Charles M. Rowland II, Esq.