DUI Offense? Beware Travel to Canada
Canadian law, specifically the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, R.S.C., ch 27 para 36 (2001), may bar entry into Canada for any person convicted of a DUI. The exception may last five years from the date of sentence and may require the person seeking admission to satisfy the Minister of Immigration that rehabilitative measures have been taken. Id. at pt.3, paras 17 and 18 (2002). If you are granted entry the temporary resident permit can be cancelled at any time. Id. at ch. 27, para 24(1)(2001). Further, a person issued a temporary residence permit is required to be examined upon arrival in Canada. If you are traveling to other countries it would be wise to check and see if a Drunk Driving offense would bar your admission into the country.
Source: Taylor, Drunk Driving Defense, 6th Ed., 2006