Dayton Mediation Center

Dayton DUI OVI
Charles is a frequent speaker and a prolific writer on all matters related to OVI / DUI defense.
Dayton, Ohio

If you have a misdemeanor criminal case in Dayton, your attorney should consider the Dayton Mediation Center.  Established in 1987, the Dayton Mediation Center provides conflict resolution and mediation services in cases involving family conflicts, landlord-tenant disputes, elder care decisions, victim-offender dialogue, and school conflicts.  The motto of the Dayton Mediation Center is “from conflict to conversation.”  One of the proponents of mediation is U.S. District Court Judge, Walter H. Rice who stated, “What mediators do is not say this is how you resolve this situation.  What mediators do is take people and empower them to do the right thing, to resolve their disputes, and to continue with their relationship.”

Dayton Mediation Services are free to Dayton residents and available to organizations or those living outside of Dayton at a reasonable fee.  All mediations are private and confidential.  If you want to end a troublesome conflict or resolve a long-term dispute that is robbing you of happiness, energy or productivity call the DMC at (937) 333-2345 or visit  You can also visit the Dayton Mediation Center at 371 W. Second St., 3rd floor, Dayton, Ohio 45402.

If you find yourself in need of a Dayton criminal defense attorney, contact the law firm of Brown, Rowland, Babb & Campbell at 937-879-942.  Charles M. Rowland II (DaytonDUI) and Mark Babb have provided criminal defense services in the Miami Valley for over 16 years.  We dedicate ourselves to our clients and work hard to build obtain the results our clients expect.