Ohio DUI Law: Probation
If you are charged with a DUI (now called OVI; operating a vehicle impaired) chances are you will be placed on probation at the disposition of your case. Probation is now called “community control” and provides for terms and conditions you must comply with in order not to go to jail. Probation requires you to work with a “probation officer” (P.O.) for a given period of time as set by the court. Often, a court will only keep you on probation until you have paid all fines and costs and complied with the requirements of your punishments. In most courts, the probation department is responsible for setting up the 72 Driver Intervention Program and will make sure you attend and complete the program. Work with your Ohio DUI attorney to learn about how to comply with the terms and conditions of probation (now called “Community Control Sanctions”). Depending on the court, you may face any or all of the following probationary conditions: No new DUI or serious traffic arrests; Alcohol Assessment and/or Follow Up Alcohol Counseling; Random Urine Screens; Restrictions on driving times; No “Refusals” of blood, breath, or urine tests if arrested for DUI; No odor of alcohol while driving a vehicle; Pay fines and court costs; Attend MADD’s Victim Impact Panel; Attend probation officer meetings; Install Ignition Interlock (breath tester in the vehicle); Continuous Alcohol Monitor (ankle bracelet); Restrictions on travel outside of Ohio or the county; Electronic Home Monitoring or House Arrest; Work-Release or Community Service. As you can see, the probation department and your probation officer have a great deal of power over your life while you are on community control. Your DUI attorney should be a continued resource available to help you with issues that arise while on community control.
Contact Charles Rowland by phone at 937-318-1DUI (937-318-1384), 937-879-9542, or toll-free at 1-888-ROWLAND (1-888-769-5263). For after-hours help contact our 24/7 DUI HOTLINE at 937-776-2671.Immediate help is available by filling out the CONTACT form on any of these pages. For information about Dayton DUI sent directly to your mobile device, text DaytonDUI (one word) to 50500. Follow DaytonDUI on Twitter atwww.Twitter.com/DaytonDUI or Get Twitter updates via SMS by texting follow DaytonDUI to40404. DaytonDUI is also available on Facebook and you can access updates by becoming a fan of Dayton DUI/OVI Defense. You can also email Charles Rowland at:CharlesRowland@DaytonDUI.com or write to us at 2190 Gateway Dr., Fairborn, Ohio 45324.
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