Oakwood OVI Attorney

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Charles is a frequent speaker and a prolific writer on all matters related to OVI / DUI defense.

Arrested for OVI in Oakwood?


Oakwood, Ohio is served by the Oakwood Municipal Court (click HERE for link to the Court).  The Oakwood Municipal Court hears all misdemeanor cases, arraignments and traffic violations, as well as preliminary hearings on felony cases. The court also hears small claims and civil cases.  Most cases are heard on Thursday mornings beginning at 8:30 a.m, and trials are usually held on Friday.

If you are arrested for OVI in Oakwood, you will appear in the Oakwood Municipal Court, 30 Park Avenue , in Oakwood’s Municipal Building.  Hearings and trials are held in the same chamber wherein the council meetings are held.  Questions about the court should be directed to the Clerk of the court at 293-3058.  The Clerk of Courts Office is open 8-5 Monday through Friday.

Charles M. Rowland II is ready to help you with your OVI charge.  Being arrested for drunk driving is a traumatic experience which will require the aid of skilled and experienced trial counsel.  Please visit Dayton DUI to learn about Charles M. Rowland II and how he can help you win your OVI case.  Call for immediate assistance at 937-318-1DUI (318-1384).  ”All I Do Is DUI defense.”