What Happens At A DUI Pre-Trial?

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Charles is a frequent speaker and a prolific writer on all matters related to OVI / DUI defense.

What Happens At A DUI Pre-Trial?

We are often asked questions about what happens at a DUI pre-trial.  The following video explains what you will likely encounter.

Our goal at the pre-trial hearing is to have the prosecutor look at the case from the perspective of the accused. We do this by focusing on the decision-making process of the arresting officer and what else could have been done to reach the conclusion that a person was impaired.  The pre-trial represents the best opportunity to resolve the case prior to trial.  In fact, the biggest decision most people will face in their OVI case is whether to accept the pre-trial offer or continue to fight.

“I want to fight!” Fighting your DUI will mean proceeding to a motion to suppress hearing. As this is the biggest decision point in your case, it should be made in consultation with your attorney. Ask about everything. You will want to know what your best arguments are as well as your biggest deficits. You will need to know if an expert witness should be employed and, if so, how much that will cost.  You can learn more about this process in other “DUI Process” posts on this blog.

We also point out that it is not beneficial for your attorney to expect you to make a decision on the day of the pre-trial. I meet with my clients after the pre-trial to discuss the discovery, the offer and the benefits of going forward.  If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact me at (937) 318-1384 or 888-ROWLAND.

Charles M. Rowland II is an accomplished DUI trial attorney who limits his practice to defending the accused drunk driver. A attorney since 1995, Charles Rowland has been a city prosecuting attorney, an appointed special county prosecutor, a mediation judge, an expert witness in DUI, a frequent DUI speaker and a prolific DUI blogger. Get your best shot at beating your DUI by calling (937) 318-1384.